Walkthrough for Uninvited | Adventure Gamers

2022-08-26 18:55:44 By : Admin

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After swerving your car to avoid a shadowy figure on the road, you accidentally crash into a wall.  When you come to, your younger brother is nowhere in sight.  He must have gone to get help. 

With the smell of petrol coming from the ruptured petrol tank, the first thing you need to do, is get out of this car.  And fast!  Simply Open the car door on the left, then Go out through the car door on the left. 

NOTE:  It’s better to use the Exits Window when moving between rooms, as some Exits don’t show up in the room themselves. 

You escaped just in time!  The car bursts into flames behind you.  Now you just have to find your brother.  You find yourself in front of an old mansion.  Examine the front door.  Examine the marble statues on either side of the door.  Open the mailbox on the right, and Examine the envelope inside the mailbox.  Open the envelope, and Examine the NOTE and the NECKLACE, then move both items to your Inventory Window. 

Open the front door, then Go through the front door. 

The door slams shut behind you.  You’re trapped in the mansion.  Be aware - if you linger for too long in this mansion, the evil spirits will devour you, and you will become an undead pawn.  So move quickly and Save often. 

Examine the carpet.  A small creature, carrying a key, runs past you.  Are you seeing things?  Examine the settee and Examine the chairs.  Examine paintings on the wall.  Open door on the right, then Go through door, into the Library. 

Examine at globe in the foreground.  Examine BOOK on the table, Open BOOK, then Examine BOOK again to see some definitions listed.  Don‘t take the BOOK - Inventory space is limited, and you‘ll need the space later on.  Examine bookcase in the back wall.  Examine map on the left wall.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the Library, and Go down through door to the Entrance Hall. 

Open door in the back wall, then Go through the door into the Hall.  

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Examine picture on the wall.  DON’T try to open any doors yet - you will end up dead.  Instead, climb up the stairs to the Upstairs Hallway. 

Examine the fish trophy on the back wall.  Open the bottom-left, door, and Go into the Master Bedroom. 

Examine the wheelchair.  Examine all the photographs on the left wall.  Examine the bed.  Examine the lab journal on cabinet next to the bed.  Open lab journal and Examine it to read it.  It tells you about Dracan, a student who is corrupted by dark spirits.  It also tells you that Dracan’s star has been locked away in a box, and that the key to the box is hidden.  Try to open the large cabinet at the back wall, but it is locked.  Open door on the left, then Go through door into the Bathroom. 

Examine the bathtub.  Examine all the masks on the back wall.  Examine the sink.  Examine the mirror above the sink.  Examine the zebra-skin rug.  There’s nothing you can do here at the moment, so return to the Master Bedroom. 

Leave the bedroom, and go down into the Hallway. 

Open the upper-left door, and Go through the door into a bedroom. 

Examine painting on the left wall.  Examine the bed.  Examine book on the cabinet next to the bed.  Open book and Examine it to read it.  This must be Dracan’s journal.  He’s rather unhappy about losing his dark powers.  Open cupboard at the back wall if you like, but it’s empty.  Open door on the right, and Go through door into the Bathroom. 

Examine the bath tub.  Examine fish tank above the bath tub to see the tiny gold flecks.  Examine the hamper on the right, and Open the hamper to see the bloody towe.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so return to the Bedroom. 

Leave the Bedroom, and Go down into the Hallway. 

Open the upper-right door, and Go through the door into a bedroom. 

Examine the room.  Open dresser in the right corner, and move PENTAGRAM into your Inventory Window.  There’s nothing more you can do here at the moment, so leave the Bedroom. 

Open the middle-right door, and Go through the door into the Stairwell. 

Explore the Stairwell.  Move the AXE into your Inventory Window.  Climb up the spiral stairs, into the Tower. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Open the cell door.  A ghostly figure appears, gives you a warning that there is no escape, then disappears again.  Spooky!  DO NOT enter the cell, or you will be trapped here forever, and die.  Climb back down the stairs to the Stairwell. 

Go down to the Hallway. 

Open the lower-right door, and Go through the door into the Storage Cupboard. 

Examine all the items in the cupboard.  Most of it is stuff you won’t need.  But move SPIDER CIDER CAN and NO GHOST BOTTLE into your Inventory Window.  Leave the cupboard, and return to the Hallway. 

Go downstairs to the Hall. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Open the NO GHOST BOTTLE (you’re going to need it soon).  Open the lower-left door.  A mysterious woman will appear.  Don’t try to interact with her, or she will kill you.  Instead, Operate NO GHOST BOTTLE on the mysterious woman.  She lets out a horrifying scream, then melts away into nothing.   Move the empty NO GHOST BOTTLE onto the floor, since you won’t need it again, and Inventory space is limited.  Go through the lower-left, into the Rec Room. 

Examine the room.  Open door on the right, and Go through door into the Dining Room. 

Examine the Dining Room.  Move BOUQUET OF FLOWERS from the table to your Inventory Window.  Open door on the left - it shows in the Exits Window.  Go through the door into the Kitchen. 

Examine the Kitchen.  Look at the knife rack on the back wall, and move the KNIFE on the left into your Inventory Window.  Open door on the left (shown in the Exits Window), and Go through door into the Small Bedroom. 

Examine the bedroom.  There’s nothing you can do here at the moment, so return to the Kitchen. 

Open door on the right (shown in the Exits Window), and Go through the door into the Pantry. 

Examine all the items in the Pantry.  Most of the stuff you won’t need, but move BOX OF MATCHES from shelf on the right, into your Inventory Window.  Now leave the Pantry. 

Go back down to the Dining Room. 

Go down to the Rec Room. 

Open door in the back wall, and Go through door into the Trophy Room. 

Examine the room.  Move the SMALL CAGE into your Inventory Window.  Open door in the back wall, and Go through door into the Backyard. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  There are 3 buildings at the back of the yard.  The building on the left is locked, so you can’t get in.  Go up the middle path, towards the Greenhouse Entrance. 

Open the door and Go through door into the Greenhouse. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Explore the Greenhouse.  On the table on the left, there is a dirt-filled pot with nothing growing in it.  Move this pot onto the floor.  Examine watering can on the right.  Now Operate watering can with the dirt-filled pot to nourish the soil.  Now Examine various things in the Greenhouse, and keep Examine things, until the dirt-filled pot you thought was empty, now has a flourishing plant with 2 orange pieces of fruit.  This will take a while, so be prepared to examine things lots of times.  Move the FRUIT PLANT into your Inventory Window, but DON’T eat the fruit, or you will die.  Make sure you leave the watering can on the floor - you don’t have the Inventory space to carry it around.  Now leave the Greenhouse. 

Go down to the Backyard. 

Go up the right-path, towards the Chapel Entrance. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Two fierce dogs guard the entrance to the Chapel, preventing you from entering.  Go back down to the Backyard. 

Go down to the Trophy Room. 

Go down to the Rec Room. 

Go down to the Hall. 

The upper-left door leads into the Dining Room, which you’ve already explored.  The upper-right door leads to the Entrance Hall, where you started.  Go through the upper-right door into the Entrance Hall. 

Examine the settee and both chairs.  Operate KNIFE on chair on the left to cut it open.  You find a SKELETON KEY hidden in the chair - this is the KEY you read about in the journal in the Master Bedroom.  Move SKELETON KEY into your Inventory Window.  Now Go through door in the back wall, into the Hall. 

Open the lower-right door, and Go through the door into the Parlour. 

Explore the Parlour.  Now Open door in the back wall, and Go through door onto the Veranda. 

What a splendid view of the estate.  Suddenly, a creepy black SPIDER runs across the railing in front of you (shudders!).  Operate SPIDER CIDER CAN on the railing to spray the bug-spray onto the railing.  Go back down to the Parlour. 

Immediately Go up through door in the back wall again, to return to the Veranda. 

The SPIDER crawls along the railing again.  This time, it becomes trapped in the SPIDER CIDER bug spray.  Now comes a horrible bit!  Move the SPIDER into your Inventory Window - you‘ll need it later.  Move the empty SPIDER CIDER CAN onto the railing, since you won’t need it again.  Go back down to the Parlour. 

Go back down to the Hall. 

Go through upper-left door into the Dining Room. 

Go through door on the left, into the Kitchen. 

Go through door on the left, into the Small Bedroom. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Examine painting on the back wall.  Operate the lamp.  The painting on the back wall will move, and the ghost of a man will appear.  He seems rather possessive about his belongings!  There is a diary in the hidden compartment behind the ghost, but DON’T try to get it yet, or the ghost will kill you.  You need to get rid of the ghost.  Move the SPIDER onto the bed next to the ghost.  The ghost, obviously terrified of the spider, vanishes from view again.  Open the diary in the hidden compartment, then Examine the diary to read it.  It talks about Dracan and the Master.  It also mentions that Dracan’s star is hidden in Master’s special box.  Leave the diary in the compartment, and Go down, and keep Going down, until you‘re back in the Hall. 

Go back upstairs to the Upstairs Hallway. 

Go through the lower-left door, into the Master Bedroom. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Operate SKELETON KEY on the cabinet in the back wall to unlock it, then Open the cabinet, and inside you’ll find a WOODEN BOX, 2 scrolls, and a glass vial.  This WOODEN BOX is the same box you read about in the journals.  Move the WOODEN BOX into your Inventory Window, but leave everything else since you won‘t need them.  Go through door at the bottom, back to the Hallway. 

Go down the stairs, back to the Hall. 

Go through upper-right door, into the Entrance Hall. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Remember what the diaries said about the wooden box?  In fire it freezes!  Okay, so lets try that.  Open the BOX OF MATCHES, then Operate one of the MATCHES on the MATCH BOX to light it.  Quickly Operate the LIT MATCH on the fireplace on the right - you soon have a nice roaring fire going.  Now move the WOODEN BOX from your Inventory Window, into the fire.  The WOODEN BOX burns to ashes, leaving behind a BRASS PENTAGRAM.  So this is Dracan’s Star.  Move the BRASS PENTAGRAM into your Inventory Window.  Go through door in the back wall, out into the Hall. 

Place the FRUIT PLANT, NOTE, AXE, and BRASS PENTAGON here for safe keeping - you can get them again later, when you need them.  Go through the lower-left door, into the Rec Room. 

Operate SKELETON KEY in the cabinet in the back wall to unlock it.  Now open the cabinet to find a FORTUNE TELLER DOLL.  Speak to the FORTUNE TELLER DOLL, and say the following. 

        -       Specan Heafod Abraxas (from the book in the Library)

The FORTUNE TELLER DOLL will tell you to speak to his pious brother, who can help you find your own brother.  Now move FORTUNE TELLER DOLL into your Inventory Window.  Go up through door in the back wall, into the Trophy Room. 

Go up through door in the back wall, into the Backyard. 

Go up the right-path, towards the Chapel Entrance. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Two fierce dogs guard the entrance to the Chapel, preventing you from entering.  Speak to the dogs, and say the following. 

        -       Instantum Illuminaris Abraxas (from the book in the Library)

The dogs flee in terror, as they hear your magic words.  Open the Chapel door, and Go through the door into the Chapel. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Examine the Chapel.  Examine the candleholder - maybe you should light it.  Open the BOX OF MATCHES, Operate one of the MATCHES on the MATCHBOX to light it, then Operate the LIT MATCH on the CANDLEHOLDER.  Now move the CANDLEHOLDER into your Inventory Window.  Examine the WOODEN CROSS on top of the stone altar, and move the WOODEN CROSS into your Inventory Window.  The stone altar slides across the floor, revealing a secret passage in the floor, but it‘s guarded by a huge spider, so don‘t go down there!  Examine the stone bust on the right.  Speak to the stone bust, and say the following. 

The door in the back wall opens.  Go through the door, into the Church Grounds. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  A ghost floats past.  Luckily, you are protected by the light from the CANDLEHOLDER, so the ghost just leaves again.  Go up into the Maze. 

Using the Exits Window, follow these directions to get through the Maze. 

        -       Up (ignore the gravestone)

Uh-oh, that zombie looks scary!  Operate your NECKLACE on the zombie - the amulet on the NECKLACE will scare the zombie away.  Continue through the Maze, following these directions. 

You see a gravestone on the left wall.  Place BOUQUET OF FLOWERS on the gravestone to reveal a Secret Passage.  Go left, through the opening, into the Secret Passage. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You see 3 cages in front of you.  Operate the SKELETON KEY in the keyhole at the centre of the cages.  The cages open, and you see a bird, a cat, and a snake.  Quickly, Operate your CAGE on the BIRD to capture it.  Continue through the Maze using the following directions. 

There’s a huge tomato creature bouncing in front of you, blocking your way.  You need to somehow get past this creature.  Move the CAGE (with the BIRD) onto the ground, then Open the CAGE.  The tomato creature chases after the bird.  You see a large GEM on the ground, behind where the tomato creature was.  Move the GEM into your Inventory Window.  Now you need to find your way out of the Maze.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then follow these directions. 

        -       Up (ignore the empty cages)

        -       Right (ignore the gravestone with the FLOWERS)

        -       Right (ignore the gravestone)

You’ve left the Maze, and find yourself back in the church grounds.  Go down, and continue Going down, until you reach the Hall. 

Move the CANDLEHOLDER onto the floor here, since you won’t need it again.  Move AXE, BRASS PENTAGON, and FRUIT PLANT that you left here earlier, back into your Inventory Window.  Go through the lower-left door, into the Rec Room. 

Go up twice, so you are in the Backyard. 

Go up the left path, to the Magisterium. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Try to Open the door if you like, but it’s locked.  Place your GEM into the slot above the door.  The door open.  Go through the door, into a Room with a hideous creature. 

Examine the creature, then Operate your FRUIT PLANT on the creature.  The creature takes a fruit from the FRUIT PLANT, and then leaves.  Now the creature has gone, you’re free to investigate the 3 doors.  The door on the left is locked.  Open door in the back wall, then Go through the door, into the Laboratory. 

Examine the safe - it has a combination lock.  Open the safe, and enter the following code. 

        -       79-47-80 (include the dashes)

There is a cookie jar inside the safe.  Try to Open it, but it is sealed tightly.  Operate your AXE on the cookie jar to smash it open.  Now resist temptation, and don’t eat the COOKIE.  Instead, move the COOKIE into your Inventory Window.  Now Go down, and continue Going down, until you reach the Rec Room. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now remember the little demon guy that runs past you every so often?  The one who has a KEY with him?  Now’s your chance to trick him into giving you the KEY.  Place COOKIE onto the floor.  You may have to move it around the floor a few times.  Soon, the demon will run past, grab the COOKIE, and drop his KEY.  Move the DEMON’S KEY from the floor, into your Inventory Window.  Now Go up twice, so you are in the Backyard. 

Go up the left path, to the Magisterium. 

Go up into the Magisterium. 

Go through door in the back wall, into the Laboratory. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at trapdoor in the floor, open trapdoor.  Make sure you have the BRASS PENTAGON, then Go down through the trapdoor, into the Cave. 

There are 2 doors at the top of the Cave.  Go through door on the right, into the Ice Cave. 

A robed man mysteriously greets you… then he disappears.  Examine the ice wall, then Operate BRASS PENTAGON in the ice wall to melt it.  The robed man appears again, and urges you to hurry.  Then he vanishes again.  Go up through the door in the back wall, into another cave. 

There is a frozen man in a dark robe, lying next to a stone altar.  The man is beginning to thaw.  This is Dracan, who you read about in the journals.  You need to deal with him before he thaws completely, or else his evil powers will destroy you.  Operate Dracan into the altar.  You can hear his screams as he falls deeper and deeper.  At least his evil can’t harm anyone else now.  Go through door at the top, into the Stairway. 

Operate the DEMON’S KEY in the door to unlock it, then Open the door.  Go through door, into the Study. 

This room is much colder than it is outside.  You hear a boy screaming, and you recognise the voice as your brother’s voice.  Then the screams stop abruptly.  Open door at the bottom, then Go down through the door, into the Dining Room. 

Go down twice, so you are in the Hall. 

Go up the stairs, to the Upstairs Hallway. 

Your brother’s screams are louder now.  Go through the upper-left door, into a Bedroom. 

Go through door on the right, into the Bathroom. 

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  The door slams shut behind you.  Your brother’s screams are deafeningly loud in here!  Examine the bathtub and Examine the bath taps.  Operate the bathtub taps to fill the bath with water.  The drain in the bathtub isn’t working very good.  Examine everything in the room, and when the water is halfway up the room, Open the light in the ceiling.  Now Go up through the light, into the Secret Room. 

Your brother is here.  Examine your brother - as you look into his eyes, you realise he is possessed by a demon.  You need to help him!  Hit your brother (sad, but necessary). The demon leaves your brother, but it wants to possess you instead.  Your brother escapes through the window, but you need to protect yourself from the demon.  Operate your WOODEN CROSS on the demon.  The demon is destroyed - you and your brother are safe!  Go through window in the back wall, so you are on the Balcony. 

It’s warm and sunny out here.  Your brother is back to his old self, and you and him enjoy a sense of peace. 

Congratulations.  You have completed Uninvited.  Hope you enjoyed it. 

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